Derrick Kinney: CEO of Good Money Framework

If you’re in the camp of thinking more money = more problems, give this episode a listen, because Derrick Kinney just might change your mind. 

In this episode, Jamey interviews Derrick Kinney - financial expert, podcast host, bestselling author, and CEO of Good Money Framework. Derrick shares insights that can revolutionize your perspective on wealth and walks us through his inspirational journey to success, unveiling the principles and determination that transformed him from an inexperienced financial planner to a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author.

Originally from Arlington, Derrick Kinney’s determination, resilience, and passion for giving shined through from a very young age. As a kid, he would keep cash books, logging any spare change he found on the ground within them. Soon after, he began earning money by charging $1 to inspect the bikes of his family friends. At the age of 15, Derrick donated money to his church food bank with the earnings from his grocery store clerk job, and that was when he realized how addicting giving away money was. He adopted the mantra “more money equals more impact” and became determined to make this his mission. 

Sounds interesting? We think so too. Here’s a sneak peak at a few more highlights from the episode: 

Money Isn't Bad - It's a Tool for Good:

Derrick challenges the notion that money is inherently negative, sharing his view that good people should have more of it, so they can do more good with it. 

From Financial Planner to Bestselling Author:

Derrick founded a financial planning firm at the age of 26 and eventually became Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author. Hear how he leveraged his expertise to teach others, become a regular news contributor, and eventually sell his multi-million dollar business.

The Good Money Revolution:

Learn about Derrick's latest venture, the Good Money with Derrick Kinney Podcast. It  aims to inspire people to make more money and use it for good. 

Impactful Giving:

Derrick shares how the sales of his book, Good Money Revolution: How to Make More Money to Do More Good, helped pay off $2 million in medical debt, creating a ripple effect of personal and financial freedom.

Don’t miss this episode stacked full of wisdom. We promise you’ll walk away inspired by his core message: Money is not bad, and good people deserve to have more of it.

Find the episode on Spotify & Apple Podcasts

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Fort Worth Mayor: Mayor Mattie Parker


Red Sanders: Founder of Red Productions