Episode 10: Betsy Price

When it comes to creating her own path, Betsy Price isn’t afraid to ruffle a few feathers. Betsy Price isn’t a stranger to challenges. No matter what challenges life presents her, she makes sure to keep her community and family at the center of it all. 

Since she was a young girl, Betsy Price has poured her time and energy into those around her. While running a successful business, many of her colleagues, associates, and family members encouraged her to run as the Tarrant County Tax Assessor in 2000. Many doubted her and told her she couldn’t do it, but instead of giving up, she anchored down and proved her doubters wrong with the wholehearted support of the community behind her.  

While serving as Tax Assessor, Betsy was not satisfied. Demanding more for her city and community, she set out to run for mayor. Fearless and determined, Price was ready to take on a new role. The rest is history. Betsy would go on to hold the longest tenure of any mayor in the city of Fort Worth. 

While Betsy Price has dedicated much of her life to her city, she would tell you that her highest priority is family. Having six grandchildren that she loves and adores, her time with her family is precious. In her down time away from the public office, she enjoys cycling and competitive clay shooting. Having inherited a servant heart from her mom and an entrepreneurial spirit from her dad, Betsy Price listens to the voice of her community and takes on the doubts of others.

Catch our latest episode and tune in as this southern belle shares how she’s put her heart and soul into this city and into all that she does.

Mentioned this week on Stories with Soul:

University Christian Church

River Crest Country Club 

Women’s Club of Fort Worth

Fort Worth Junior League


Episode 11: Jon Bonnell


Episode 09: Katey McFarlan