Liz Wilding

Account Manager

Liz was was born outside of Chicago but moved to Fort Worth as a baby. She really just loves. this. city. Liz is excited to be a part of a passionate company that genuinely cares about making a positive impact on Fort Worth. She’s a UNT grad and eight-year advertising agency expat with a knack for writing, planning and creative thinking. Liz crazy about her family’s three dogs, a bold red wine, cooking and traveling!

All about Liz


Hometown: My hometown is Fort Worth, but I was born in Naperville, IL

Enneagram Number:

2 w 3

First Job:


A big dream you have:

To live overseas for an extended period of time!

Interesting Fact:

I'm 1/2 Croatian    

Your Favorite:

Book - One of the coolest books I've read is by René Girard, "Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World"

Instagram Accounts -  @bonappetitmag @newyorkermag @nathanwpylestrangeplanet 

Word - cantankerous

TV Show - Schitt's Creek, What We Do in the Shadows, Insecure, Peaky Blinders

Quote - “That without experimentation, a willingness to ask questions and try new things, we shall surely become static, repetitive, moribund.” –Anthony Bourdain 

Guilty Pleasure - Diet Coke