Unleashing Your Small Business Potential: How to Create Engaging Social Media Posts That Tell Your Story

Hey, small business owner! You need to have a solid social media presence to grow your business. We're here to help you navigate social media storytelling. By the end of this article, you'll be excited to create let's, stories, and live events on social media. So let's dive right in!

The 7 Types of stories: unleash your storytelling power

Storytelling creates connections, builds trust, and showcases your unique ability to solve your audience's problems. Here are the seven types of stories you can tell on social media to connect with your customers:


Share your brand's journey, where you've been, and where you're going. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable; your audience will relate to your struggles and successes. Include essential milestones, the people involved, and the lessons you learned. Your backstory will help your audience understand your brand's values and mission.

Loss and redemption

Highlight the challenges you've overcome, and show how your brand can help others do the same. Share specific examples of failures, setbacks, and how you rose above them. This type of storytelling demonstrates resilience and perseverance, qualities that inspire and attract customers.

Us vs. them

Polarize your audience. Show the difference between those who succeed with your product or service and those who don't. This approach can be powerful in illustrating the benefits of your brand compared to competitors. Show your target audience how your product or service outperforms others by presenting case studies, testimonials, or unique features that set you apart.

Before & After/transformation

Showcase the results of using your product or service and how it has changed lives. Create visuals that clearly illustrate the transformation, whether it's through customer success stories, product demonstrations, or time-lapse videos. The goal is to make the impact of your product or service tangible and relatable to your audience.

Amazing discovery

Share new ideas or solutions you've discovered that can help solve your customer's problems. This type of story lets you present your brand as innovative and forward-thinking. Explain how your discoveries can benefit your audience and how they can apply them to their own lives or businesses.

Secret telling

Reveal interesting or helpful secrets that will captivate your audience. These include industry tips, lesser-known product features, or exclusive behind-the-scenes content. By sharing valuable secrets, you'll establish yourself as a trusted resource and keep your audience engaged.

Third-person testimonial

Share success stories from others who have benefited from your brand. This type of storytelling adds credibility to your business and showcases the positive impact of your products or services. Encourage satisfied customers to provide testimonials and feature them in your social media content.

Real faces humanize your brand

Remember to include real people's faces in your content, especially your own. People connect with and trust others, so showcase the human side of your business. For example, share pictures and stories of your employees, their roles, and their contributions to your business. Doing so will demonstrate that your business is more than just a logo—it's a group of passionate individuals working together.

Give your audience a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes of your business. For example, share pictures or videos of your workspace, production process, or team meetings. You'll create a sense of authenticity and relatability by offering a peek into your day-to-day operations. Share customer stories: Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your brand. Create opportunities for them to be featured on your social media channels through photos, videos, or written testimonials. You’ll humanize your brand, but it also helps to build social proof and credibility.

Write like you talk

Writing in a conversational tone makes your content feel more like a friendly chat than a sales pitch. When writing for social media, many business owners want to maintain professionalism, which is usually acceptable in marketing. However, social media is a different beast altogether. When writing for social media, loosen your tie and act like a happy hour is getting started. “Be social on social” means letting some formal writing patterns and rules slip.

Keep your sentences short and to the point to create a natural flow in your writing, making it easier for your audience to follow along. Don't be afraid to use contractions like "it's" and "you're." These make your writing feel more casual and relatable. Avoid jargon and industry-specific terms. Write in a way anyone can understand, even if they're unfamiliar with your industry.

Talk to your audience directly

Engage with your audience by asking questions and encouraging them to reflect and respond. As a result, your content will be more interactive and conversational. In addition, use "you" to speak directly to your audience to create a more personal connection between you and your reader.

How to tell a good post from a bad post

Creating engaging and valuable content is essential to your social media success. You’ll be tempted to compare yourself to a big name, an influencer putting a ton of production into their posts, or artists with the raw skills to make aesthetically pleasing posts. 

If you compare yourself to them and try to match their production at this beginning stage, you’re going to come up with the fact that there are two certainties in social media. One, don’t do that. Two, you would have spent $150 grand on a social media strategy you could have gotten for $1.50 in apps on your phone. 

(Bonus points to any of you who picked up that movie reference!)

  • Good posts inform, entertain, or inspire: Make sure your content serves at least one of these purposes. For example, share industry news, helpful tips, or positive stories that resonate with your audience.

  • Bad posts are overly promotional: Avoid constantly promoting your products or services. While showcasing your offerings is vital, too much self-promotion can be off-putting. Focus on providing value to your audience, and they'll be more likely to engage with your promotional content.

  • Good posts are visually appealing: Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics that are relevant to your content. Visuals can help convey your message more effectively and make your posts more engaging.

  • Bad posts are cluttered and difficult to read: Keep your content clean and easy to digest. For example, break up long blocks of text with subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists.

  • Good posts encourage engagement: Ask questions, invite feedback, or create polls to encourage your audience to interact with your content. Engaged followers are more likely to share your content and become loyal customers.

Key social media platforms

It's essential to focus on the platforms that will generate the most engagement and growth for your business. Only some media will be relevant for your business, however. So when starting, pick one to focus on and make your post consistent. If it makes sense for your business, you’ll get into a posting rhythm and then expand to other platforms.


With its visually driven format, Instagram is an excellent platform for showcasing your products and services. Utilize Instagram Stories, Reels, and IGTV to share engaging content. Use relevant hashtags, engage with your audience, and collaborate with influencers to increase your reach.


This short-form video platform is perfect for creating entertaining and informative content. Use TikTok's features like challenges, effects, and trending music to make your videos more engaging. Engage with your audience by replying to comments and participating in trends.


Facebook remains a powerful platform for reaching a broad audience. Utilize Facebook's features like groups, pages, and live events to connect with your audience. Share a mix of content, including articles, images, and videos, to keep your followers engaged. Make sure to respond to comments and messages to build a strong community.


As a professional networking platform, LinkedIn is ideal for showcasing your industry expertise and connecting with other professionals. Share thought leadership articles, participate in discussions and create professional connections. Utilize LinkedIn's features like Pulse articles, Company Pages, and LinkedIn Live to engage with your audience.

Measure and track tour metrics to adjust your strategy

Track your performance and adapt your approach accordingly to ensure your social media efforts are paying off. Measure likes comments, shares, and clicks to understand how your audience interacts with your content. If engagement is low, consider revising your content strategy or experimenting with different types of posts.

Monitor how many people see your content and how often it's displayed. If your reach is limited, explore ways to increase your visibility, such as collaborating with influencers or utilizing paid advertising. Keep track of your follower count and the rate at which it's rising. If growth is slow, reassess your content strategy, and identify opportunities for improvement. 

Finally, track the number of leads or sales generated through your social media efforts to help you understand the ROI of your social media strategy and inform your future marketing decisions.

Stay consistent and persistent: the key to social media mastery

Consistency is crucial in building your social media presence. Maintain a regular posting schedule and stay constant in your efforts.

  • Create a content calendar: Plan your content to ensure you're posting consistently. Set specific dates for publishing different types of content and stick to your schedule.

  • Batch your content creation: Dedicate specific days to creating your social media content for the week or month. Stay organized and always have fresh content ready to publish.

  • Learn from your audience: Pay attention to the feedback and engagement you receive from your followers. They’ll help you understand what types of content resonate with them so you can refine your strategy.

  • Stay committed: Building a solid social media presence takes time and persistence. Stay dedicated to your strategy, even if you are still looking for immediate results. Over time, your efforts will pay off.

    Keep our social media experts in your back pocket

    Creating engaging social media content can be manageable. By focusing on storytelling, humanizing your brand, writing conversationally, and prioritizing the right platforms, you'll be well on your way to social media success. Remember to track your metrics, adjust your strategy, and stay consistent. Now it's time to unleash your small business potential and create excellent social media posts that tell your story!

    If you're going through our in-depth guide on social media for small businesses and thinking, "This all sounds fantastic, but there's no way I can manage this—I'm swamped already," then it's time to get in touch with us. Our skilled social media strategists and content creators are eager to assist you in expanding your business and telling your unique stories. So schedule a meetup with us, and let’s start telling your story on social media!

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